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HealthNest conference resources

In this section, you can find the different congress materials of the HealthNest conference on 12th of June.

HealthNest whitepaper:
Accelerating health literacy

In this whitepaper, we explore the pressing matter of health literacy. On the one hand, we provide a comprehensive framework for organisations to implement initiatives with the purpose of addressing health literacy. And on the other hand, we specifically turn to policy makers in Belgium and discuss their potential roles. Health literacy is not merely a patient concern but a social imperative. In an age of complex healthcare systems and information overload, organisations as well as policy makers must actively engage in strategies that address health literacy, reduce disparities, and foster better community well being.

Presentations of plenary sessions and breakout rooms

When patients are more than their disease – A patient panel as a lever for health literacy (RZ Tienen)

The implementation of a patient panel to improve co-decision making between patients & healthcare professionals.

Zanzu (Sensoa)

Tools on sexual education
for non-native speakers.

Building organizational capacity to address health literacy (Independent Health Insurance Funds)

A collaborative incubator with
inspiration from 3 case studies.

Picto Pharma (Pharmacy.Brussels)

Creation and implementation of a communication tool, using pictograms, for pharmacies.

Video: HealthNest conference 2023

Revisit the conference that was held on the 12th of June with as central theme “Capacity-building and Impactful Partnerships”


The evolution of HealthNest

An incubator of innovative initiatives
in health literacy.

Measuring the health literacy level of a new scar treatment website (Oscare vzw)

Evaluation by patient, caregiver and non-related individuals.

Klare Kijk Op Kanker – Cancer explained in clear terms

Platform to inform, inspire and support cancer patients and people around them by offering clear information about the illness and how to cope with it.

Hybrid Care Pathway Diabetes (i-mens)

Hoe kunnen we diabeteseducatie affectiever en kostenefficiënter maken dankzij slimme apparaten en begeleidng op afstand?

Mova, your health on the move (PatientSupportR)

Application to access your medical records within reach via a secured tick and in multiple languages.

Ontboezemingen (Outpourings) –
a podcast about bosoms with stories (Breast Clinic Lier)

In this podcast, Ann Reymen talks to six women with breast cancer who tell their stories in order to be of support to others.

Community Health Workers (mutualities)

To help to reduce health inequalities.

IREN – A trilingual decision aid to support cancer patients’ decisions about clinical trial participation (Jules Bordet Institut)

To understand the Informed Consent Document and to facilitate interactions with professionals.


Want to stay informed on Health literacy?

HealthNest is a coalition of concerned professionals and organisations committed to improve health literacy in Belgium. We help key actors and stakeholders pool together their experiences with health literacy and define what approaches have the most potential to improve the situation on the ground.